
My college years have been one of the most fun times of my life. I have had more fun after it, there is life after college and it is awesome. In college met some of my best friends, learned several life lessons, learned a lot of “don’t do”, & also learned enough to earn a degree. I bet most of you that are reading this post are living through this or just passed this phase of life. We can sit down without knowing each other and share stories, realize how similar our experiences were and share a laugh in retrospect.

One thing that I which I had more during college was a clear sense of direction. Some of our peers (you might be one of them), have a clear path of what they wanted to do, who they wanted to work for, how many degrees they wanted, etc. But if you are like me, I wanted to try a bit of everything, get involved in the shiny new object, learn about something that seemed like a waste of time to others, etc. you get my drift. I know there are counselors, there is a career center, the professors & their office hours, learning center, etc. But these resources seem useless unless you know what you wanted, what to ask for, where you wanted to get, etc.

I hope this series gives you an understanding of the frontload effort (pre-work) that is needed at every step of your career (block) for  building your awesome career, the behind the scene information you need to compile when meeting with someone or asking for something (job, advice, guidance, etc), and give you perspective on the effort required to achieve your goals. “If life were to be easy, it probably would be boring” (FYI).

This series will be based on my experience. If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions feel free to write me. I’ll try to incorporate all the feedback (constructive criticism) and answer to everyone, but I will keep you in mind “you are not the only one”, but we are here to learn and grow. Additionally, check the ideas I have posted to improve your office experience.