I really appreciate you reading this post regarding a resume template, it tells me you want to learn. Hopefully, I can teach you something that you can teach someone else. Karma really exists (called many things), but you teaching others is a way of paying it forward. To get started you need to have completed part “1a – Telling a Story“. Follow the template below, don’t worry about the format until the end. If you worry about the format from the beginning, you are trying to fit content into it and you might not get the right information on the resume or Linkedin profile.

If you go through the template and feel it is not for you, it is not too late to go to Fiverr.com. In the case you build your own resume, I would suggest still going to Fiverr to get it reviewed. Trust me it will save you several headaches, consider it verification, second look, proofreading, etc. Avoid, did I used the right buzzwords? & spelling and/or grammar mistakes. After you complete the template below, that is it; you will be ready to go searching for a job. Feel free to email me with your questions and/or comments about your resume.


At the top you have to state your name, if you are feeling adventures you might want to add “by what name are you referred by” (Dave, Kris, Pat, etc)
Right below you want to write in your contact information: email, cell phone LinkedIn profile, city of residence

Experience & Credentials

The order of the resume, in my opinion, varies based on how much experience you have and the tone you want to set.

Choice 1: (short experience, early career) You can write credentials (degree, licenses, certificates, etc.), then experience (jobs, projects, volunteering, professional affiliation)

With this choice, you are stating that you have the credentials and/or training to perform a job or activity. Your experience becomes examples of what you are able to do and value you can add to their team, company, etc. Early career individuals need to keep in mind that they are looking for 2 things, get experience (trained, develop technical & soft skills, increase your sphere of influence, etc) and start choosing what you want to specialize in.

Choice 2: You can write experience (jobs, projects, volunteering, professional affiliation) then (short experience, early career) credentials (degree, licenses, certificates, etc.)

With this choice, you are stating that you have done specific things to get where you want to get. In my experience, if you are following a career path over time some credentials like your degree become less important (still matters). After 5 years of experience (not set in stone, roughly) and employer focuses more on what you have done. This is because it tells them that you have been trained or you might proficient doing a job, performing a task, developing skills.


Bullet training you might have taken recently (2 years or less, 3 might be pushing it)


Bullet any languages other than the native language that you may speak and write. Add the proficiency level

Technical Knowledge

Bullet any software you may know how to use, but make list relevant to jobs you are submitting to
Bullet any codes or standard that you really familiar with.